Puppet on a Chain (film)

Puppet on a Chain is a 1971 British thriller film directed by Geoffrey Reeve and starring SvenBertil Taube, Barbara Parkins and Alexander Knox. It is based on the novel Puppet on a Chain by Alastair MacLean.

When three hippie drugdealers are murdered by the assassin Peter Hutchins in Los Angeles, the U.S. government sends special agent Paul Sherman SvenBertil Taube to track down the European source of heroin that is causing the drug war.Sherman was born in Holland, but it is clear that Amsterdams chief of police, Colonel De Graaf Alexander Knox is unhappy with having the Americans interfere in Dutch affairs. However, Shermans direct contact, Inspector Van Gelder Patrick Allen is more cooperative, since his niece, Trudi Penny Casdagli suffered brain damage after a heroin overdose. ........

Source: Wikipedia